Ονόματα για καριέρα στην Ελλάδα (και όχι μόνο)


Ακριβώς αυτό πέρασε κι εμένα από τον νου ενώ πόσταρα την προηγούμενη ανάρτηση. :-)
Η λέξη πρέπει να μου έμεινε από το Medieval: Total War, αν και βλέπω τώρα ότι έχει και δεύτερη προέλευση, άσχετη από εκείνη του τοξευτηρίου, τοξοβολείου, ή όπως λέγεται τέλος πάντων το μέρος όπου προπονείται ένας τοξότης:

A butt is an archery shooting field, with mounds of earth used for the targets. The name originally referred to the targets themselves, but over time came to mean the platforms that held the targets as well. […]

Several English towns have districts called "The Butts", but they may not always take their names from archery. The Middle English word "butt" referred to an abutting strip of land, and is often associated with medieval field systems. An example is Newington Butts in south London where contrary to popular belief, the 1955 Survey of London published by London County Council could find no historical reference to archery butts. It concluded that the name probably derived from the triangle of land between the roads, as the word "butts" is used elsewhere in Surrey to refer to odd corners or ends of land.

Βρίσκω και αναφορά σε άλλο νήμα: https://www.lexilogia.gr/threads/ploughing-contest-rules.10723/post-133335
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Archie Pelago.jpg

And, yes, the name does exist: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/archie-pelago-66bb2b7a