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Rich food


Good morning friends. The phrase that is used for "rich food" in English in the negative sense food that you would fear if you have high cholesterol - would that be "λαδερα"?
"Λαδερά" is actually a category of dishes, usually made with vegetables like beans and eggplant, but you can also say "πολύ λαδερό" to describe a certain meal as rich/oily. But maybe "βαρύ" would be a better match to "rich". I hope more people will weigh in on this!


The first thing that comes to mind for rich food is "παχιά φαγητά". I think "βαρύ φαγητό" corresponds more with "heavy food" but given the significant overlap in meaning between the two (ie. rich food and heavy food), perhaps "βαρύ" could also be apt.


Well-known member
There probably isn't a Greek equivalent to "rich food", I'm thinking, as "rich" could also be something that's too chocolaty or too sweet or even too spicy - i.e., anything that you might enjoy eating a small amount of, but soon becomes "too much", as it's overwhelming, or "too intense"?

And it's always subjective of course (what one person considers" rich," another person might find deliciously indulgent).

Μια φράση με "υπερβολικά," ίσως (υπερβολικά γλυκά επιδόρπια, υπερβολικά πικάντικα φαγητά, κτλ.); But it would not be a general, all-encompassing term.
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New member
Λιπαρά φαγητά είναι ξεκάθαρα ο σωστός όρος: έχει ακριβώς την αρνητική χροιά που ζητάει.


Αναρωτιέμαι αν έχει χρησιμοποιήσει ή ακούσει ποτέ το "παχιά φαγητά", γιατί εγώ μπορεί να λείπω από την Ελλάδα και να έχω χάσει επεισόδια, και δεν το έχω ακούσει ποτέ μου.
Για να δώσουμε μια απάντηση: δεν υπάρχει μία απάντηση που να καλύπτει τις παραλλαγές του Pontios. Το φαγητό μας είναι λιπαρό (άμα έχει πολλά λάδια, π.χ.), βαρύ (άμα έχει μπαχαρικά, λιπαρά κλπ.), πολύ γλυκό (σαν πετιμέζι), πικρό κλπ.