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a tissue/web/pack of lies

A tissue/web/pack of lies (formal) is a story that someone has invented in order to deceive people.
-- He dismissed recent rumours that he'd had affairs with a number of women as 'a pack of lies'.
--The entire account of where she'd been and who she'd been with that night was a tissue of lies.
--The young runaway gradually became entangled in a web of lies. [The 'web' idiom is usually with the verbal participle 'entangled']
I thnik the phrase originates from a line of the poem "Marmion" by Sir Walter Scott:
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave"
Σαν φράση, πώς θα την λέγαμε στα Ελληνικά;


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Ω τι μπερδεμένο ιστό υφαίνουμε
Όταν την εξαπάτηση μαθαίνουμε!

Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!

~ Walter Scott

Mistresses wooing and weaving, wooed and woven.
A tissue/web/pack of lies (formal) is a story that someone has invented in order to deceive people.
-- He dismissed recent rumours that he'd had affairs with a number of women as 'a pack of lies'.
--The entire account of where she'd been and who she'd been with that night was a tissue of lies.
--The young runaway gradually became entangled in a web of lies. [The 'web' idiom is usually with the verbal participle 'entangled']
There's a rather formal expression that might come in handy in many cases:
κατασκευασμένα ψεύδη (I see that κατασκευασμένα ψέματα is also in use)

And some more, in drsiebenmal's line of thinking:
ένα κάρο ψέματα
ψέματα με τη σέσουλα