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flagfall (Aus) = πτώση σημαίας, δικαίωμα εκκίνησης


Staff member
flagfall /ˈflæɡˌfɔːl/
1 [countable] Australian a fixed amount of money that you have to pay as soon as you begin a taxi journey, make a phone call, etc
2 [uncountable] the moment when the clock for one player stops in a game of chess, indicating that the player has no more time left

Έχω βάλει μόνο την πρώτη σημασία στον τίτλο επειδή αυτή με συγκίνησε, το ότι οι Αυστραλιανοί λένε όπως κι εμείς το «δικαίωμα εκκίνησης» του ταξί (όπου δικαίωμα = νόμιμη αμοιβή).

Συνήθως η απόδοση που χρησιμοποιείται στα αγγλικά είναι starting fee ή starting charge. Αναζητείται η σχέση των Ελλήνων με την ορολογία των αυστραλιανών ταξί.


Staff member
Εμείς πάντως το λέμε και απλώς «σημαία».

Από το, τώρα:
  • The greatest number of taxi trips typically run less than three miles, which is where cabdrivers make the most money, due to the $3.50 "flag drop" (initial dollar-amount when the meter is started) at some of the busiest hours of the day.
  • The initial entry, sometimes called a "meter drop" or "flag pull", is $2.25 regardless of distance traveled.
  • There is a flat "flag drop" rate, which is $2.60 for Metro, $2.50 for Yellow.
  • Current fares are $2.85 for a flag drop (first 1/9th mile), $.30 for each additional 1/9th mile ($2.70/mile), and $.30 for each 37 seconds of waiting and delay ($29.19/hour).
  • Sacramento, California is the Capital of California estimated have 500 taxis and has meter-based fare system most taxi companies charge $4.00 flag drop, $3.00 each additional miles, $28.00 per hour waiting time.
  • The rates are a $3 flag drop rate and 25 cents for every one-sixth of a mile after the first sixth of a mile traveled.


Staff member
Τι λες! Και στους Αμερικανούς, εμείς το μάθαμε; :)