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What to say to a seriously ill person


Good morning friends.

I know I've touched on this in the other threads (Περαστικά) but I'm wondering if we could address this head on? You have a seriously ill person, maybe elderly, maybe not, that may or may not survive but it's uncertain. They're at the phase of their treatment where it isn't clear what will happen.

"Περαστικά, Καλή Αναρρωση, και Να σας Ζήσει" are completely inappropriate. The only word/ phrase I can think of is "Κουράγιο." But there must be more... any suggestions would be really appreciated.


Staff member
Βρες τη δύναμη, θα τα καταφέρεις.
Όλα θα περάσουν, θα δεις.
"Περαστικά" is always appropriate.
However, in this particular context, I might add "περαστικά να είναι", "μακάρι να είναι περαστικά", "εύχομαι να είναι περαστικά".

"Καλή αναρρωση" is appropiate only when you are fairly certain the ill person will get better.

"Να σας ζήσει" is never appropriate for ill people. This is a phrase we say to the close relatives of a newborn baby or a recently babtized child, and to theclose relatives of a recently married person.

In the case of grave illness, I might say "κουράγιο", "καλή δύναμη", "εύχομαι τα καλύτερα".