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Tremor Mercurialis = υδραργυρικός τρόμος [και δυο λόγια για τους «τρελούς καπελάδες»]


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Historically, this was common among old England felt-hatmakers who had long-term exposure to vapors from the mercury they used to stabilize the wool in a process called felting, where hair was cut from a pelt of an animal such as a rabbit. The industrial workers were exposed to the mercury vapors, giving rise to the expression "mad as a hatter". Some believe that the character the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is an example of someone with erethism, but the origin of this account is unclear. The character was almost certainly based on Theophilus Carter, an eccentric furniture dealer who was well known to Carroll.


Αχ, τι καλά. Την είχα ξεχάσει αυτή την ιστορία.
Historically, this was common among old England felt-hatmakers who had long-term exposure to vapors from the mercury they used to stabilize the wool in a process called felting, where hair was cut from a pelt of an animal such as a rabbit. The industrial workers were exposed to the mercury vapors, giving rise to the expression "mad as a hatter". Some believe that the character the Mad Hatter in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is an example of someone with erethism, but the origin of this account is unclear. The character was almost certainly based on Theophilus Carter, an eccentric furniture dealer who was well known to Carroll.


Ο τρόμος είναι χαρακτηριστικό της νόσου Πάρκινσον και η, χρόνια ή οξεία, έκθεση στον υδράργυρο προκαλεί τρόμο.

Δεν είναι τυχαίο που πρόσφατη ανασκόπηση αναφέρει ότι :
"ο υδράργυρος αντιπροσωπεύει έναν από τους αιτιολογικούς παράγοντες για τη νόσο Πάρκινσον"