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The man is troubled


Έχει μπερδευτεί λιγάκι

Είναι αποπροσανατολισμένος

Αισθάνεται σύγχυση

Is there a better expression for someone who is “troubled” or “struggling” in general in life? The problems with these is that they imply seem to imply a condition that is temporary that may only last a few minutes but what I am looking for lasts a few months.

Thank you.


Πολύ ελαφρά μου φαίνονται.
Troubled 1. beset by problems or difficulties. 2. showing distress or anxiety.
1. Έχει προβλήματα. 2. Είναι αγχωμένος.


Αγανακτισμένος is typically used to describe someone who feels that they've been treated unfairly or slighted in some way. Depending on context, it is usually translated as indignant, exasperated, frustrated, outraged etc.

For troubled, you could also possibly use βασανισμένος- bearing in mind it's closer to tormented or tortured- or (ψυχολογικά) ταλαιπωρημένος.