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rag-and-bone man = (πλανόδιος) παλιατζής


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noun (British) an itinerant dealer in old clothes, furniture, and second-hand items.
(κάποιο λεξικό της Οξφόρδης)

rag peddler: somebody who travels the streets buying and selling unwanted clothes and household items, and other discarded things
Encarta σε καινούργιο σύνδεσμο. Οι παλιοί πέθαναν.)

Αλλά η ανάλυση είναι στη Wikipedia:
Rag-and-bone man is a British phrase for a junk dealer. Historically the phrase referred to an individual who would travel the streets of a city with a horsedrawn cart, and would collect old rags (for converting into fabric and paper), bones for making glue, scrap iron and other items, often trading them for other items of limited value.

They would use a distinctive call to alert householders to their presence, and/or ring a hand bell. The call was something similar to "rag-and-bone", delivered in a sing-song fashion. Long usage tended to simplify the words, for instance down to "any raa-boh", even to the point of incomprehensibility, although the locals could easily identify who was making the call. [...]