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deprovincialization, deprovincialism = αποεπαρχιωτικοποίηση, αποεπαρχιωτισμός


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provincialism = επαρχιωτισμός
provincialization = επαρχιωτοποίηση / επαρχιωτικοποίηση
deprovincialization = αποεπαρχιωτοποίηση / αποεπαρχιωτικοποίηση
deprovincialism = αποεπαρχιωτισμός

Προτείνω τα παραπάνω. Είναι πολύ πιθανό να υποστηριχτεί ότι ορθότεροι είναι οι όροι (απο)επαρχιωτικοποίηση στο πρότυπο της (απο)στρατιωτικοποίησης.

Αποεπαρχιωτικοποίηση είναι η διαδικασία αποβολής του επαρχιωτικού χαρακτήρα. Aποεπαρχιωτισμός είναι η κατάσταση που επιτυγχάνεται μετά την αποβολή.

Στο άρθρο του Γ. Μεταξά ο αποεπαρχιωτισμός χρησιμοποιείται με τη σημασία της διαδικασίας (Deprovincialization), κάτι που δεν είναι σπάνιο:

Θα προχωρήσουν τα κόμματα στον αποεπαρχιωτισμό (τοπικό και θεματικό) του βουλευτικού ρόλου και στην πολυεπίπεδη αποπελατοποίηση του συνόλου του πολιτικού συστήματος ώστε να καταστεί απροσωπόληπτο και λειτουργικό;

Πρώτες παράγραφοι από πολύ ενδιαφέρον λήμμα στην Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology:


refers to being unsophisticated and centered in one's own small world. One judges other people and cultures negatively, simply because they are different from your ingroup and culture. The term developed to describe one who lives in the provinces and is oblivious to the ways of the broader, outside world. The phenomenon is of interest to social psychologists because it is often involved in the development of prejudice against and negative stereotypes of other groups - basic elements at the psychological level of intergroup conflict. This link is especially strong when encounters with other groups and cultures are threatening. And provincial people are more easily threatened by new and strange experiences.

Provincialism develops from group separation, from insular life in highly segregated communities. Thus, breaking out from the ingroup cocoon is a major means of diminishing the phenomenon. Travel can help, but only if it allows extended and intimate contact with peoples who have customs and ways of life that contrast with those of your ingroup. Deprovincialization, then, refers to such diminished provincialism, to removing provincial blinders. It indicates a growing acceptance of other peoples and cultures. Deprovincialized individuals are more experienced in the wider world; they learn that their group's norms, customs, and lifestyles are not the only ways to manage the social world successfully. This new perspective individualizes and "humanizes" outgroup members. And it also serves to provide a fresh perspective on your own group and culture.

Deprovincialization, then, causes one to reappraise not only outgroups but your ingroup as well. This reappraisal does not necessarily mean that you now regard your own group and culture less positively - just differently. Deprovincialization allows one to respect, even admire, other peoples and cultures while looking at your own group in a new and more complex way.

A primary, though not the only, means of attaining deprovincialism is though intergroup contact. Indeed, the term was coined to help to explain an interesting and unexpected finding in research on intergroup contact and prejudice. […]