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dead-cat bounce = το γκελ της ψόφιας γάτας


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Ο όρος περιγράφεται γλαφυρά στο λεξικό του Γουίλιαμ Σαφάιρ (Safire’s Political Dictionary):

dead cat bounce An aborted economic recovery.
This macabre metaphor suggests a slight, rise after the first economic decline, followed in fast order by a second decline. This bounce of the body of a cat is a graphic depiction of what economists call a double dip.
Usually hyphenated, dead-cat bounce first appeared in the Financial Times of December 7,1985, without a hyphen; in this article, investment experts in the Far East described a slight rise in economic indicators as “partly technical and cautioned against concluding that the recent falls in the market were at an end. This is what we call a dead cat bounce,' one broker said flatly.”
The Associated Press reported the term's use in New York a year later, when a broker, Raymond DeVoe Jr., warned, "Beware the dead-cat bounce." He offered a definition for the term: "This applies to stocks or commodities that have gone into free-fall descent and then rallied briefly. If you threw a dead cat off a 50-story building, it might bounce when it hit the sidewalk. But don't confuse that bounce with renewed life. It is still a dead cat."
The feline figure of speech is alive and well. "A dead cat bounce is a term adopted for a rally in a bear market," wrote Britain's The Independent in 2001. "In the U.S. they call it a 'sucker's rally.'" See recession.

Περισσότερα παρακάτω. Για την απόδοση του όρου προτιμώ το γκελ της ψόφιας γάτας (και, κατά δεύτερο λόγο, την αναπήδηση / το αναπήδημα της ψόφιας γάτας).

Στο διαδίκτυο βρίσκουμε βέβαια και «νεκρή γάτα» καθώς και τίναγμα της ψόφιας γάτας (αυτό έχει, νομίζω, τα περισσότερα ευρήματα) και τελευταίος σπασμός της νεκρής γάτας κ.ά.

Γελοιογραφία για την (περσινή) επικαιρότητα της Αυστραλίας

Από το OED:

dead cat bounce n. Stock Market slang (orig. U.S.) a rapid but short-lived recovery in prices after a sharp fall; a temporary upswing, esp. caused by speculators buying when prices are low and then quickly reselling when they rise; (also, in extended use) a brief improvement, a spurious success.

1985 Financial Times 7 Dec. 11/5 Despite the evidence of buying interest yesterday, they said the rise was partly technical and cautioned against concluding that the recent falls in the market were at an end. ‘This is what we call a “*dead cat bounce”,’ one broker said flatly.    1996 N.Y. Times 21 July f5/5 ‘I'm increasingly suspicious of this rebound.‥ What we don't want is a dead-cat bounce’—when stocks rebound simply because they fell so far so fast.    2001 Washington Post (Home ed.) 3 Oct. c7/3 This is what is known as a ‘dead cat bounce’.‥ If you throw a dead cat against a wall at a high rate of speed, it will bounce—but it is still dead. Likewise, if you debut ‘Inside Schwartz’ out of the enormous ‘Friends’ debut audience, ‘Schwartz’ will do a big number—but with only about 70 percent lead-in retention, it is still a dead show.

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