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coenesthetic hallucination = κοιναισθητική παραίσθηση - kinaesthetic hallucination = κιναισθητική παραίσθηση


Άρα coenesthetic hallucination/cenesthetic hallucination=κοιναισθητική παραίσθηση (δεν θα πρέπει να συγχέεται με το kinesthetic hallucination).

coenesthetic hallucination
Also written as cenesthetic hallucination. Both terms translate loosely to 'hallucination of auto-somatic awareness'. They are used to denote a * somatic hallucination consisting of a peculiar visceral or other bodily sensation that cannot be explained by reference to any known physiological mechanism. Some examples of coenesthetic hallucinations are a scratching feeling against the inside of one's skull, and the feeling of a propeller turning around inside one's stomach. The term coenesthetic hallucination is also used in a broader sense to denote a hallucination involving the 'common sensation' or 'common general sensibility'. To clarify this connotation of the term coenesthetic hallucination, it is necessary to explain the notion of coenesthesis. The term coenesthesis is indebted to the Greek words koinos (communal) and aisthanesthai (to notice, to perceive). The introduction of the expression koine aisthesis has been attributed to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). The term was reintroduced during the late 18th century in the form of coenesthesis, or coenesthesia (in German Gemeingefühl) to denote the "common sensation" or "common general sensibility" arising from the sum of all bodily sense impressions. In everyday parlance, coenesthesis is the general feeling addressed by questions such as "How are you?" and "How do you feel?". Any attempt to answer these questions with more than the usual cordial counter question requires a brief inspection of one's status quo, involving issues such as "Am I hungry," "Do I feel any pain," "Do I feel rejected ..... (Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias-Dictionary of Hallucinations)

Φαντάζομαι ότι θα χρειαστεί να μετακομισθεί σε άλλο νήμα και σας ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων.


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coenaesthetic στην πιο «ελληνική» ορθογραφία του, που υπεραπλοποιείται σε cenesthetic. Προφέρεται [σινισθέτικ].

Και, όπως λες, υπάρχει και η kinaesthetic hallucination = κιναισθητική παραίσθηση, που είναι πιο συνηθισμένη. Προφέρεται [κινισθέτικ] ή [καϊνισθέτικ].

False sensation of body movement, as with an amputated-phantom limb.

Από την ίδια πηγή με την προηγούμενη (Dictionary of Hallucinations), ιδού και η ενδιαφέρουσα περιγραφή της κιναισθητικής παραίσθησης.

Κinaesthetic hallucination
Also known as kinesthetic hallucination, kinaesthetic illusion, and hallucination of motion. The term kinaesthetic hallucination is indebted to the Greek words kinesis (movement) and aisthesis (feeling). In a broad sense, it is used to denote a hallucinatory or illusory feeling of motion of the body or a body part. In a more restricted sense, it is used to denote the hallucinatory or illusory sensation of whole body movement, exemplified by the sensations of locomotion and flying. Hallucinated movements of the limbs or other body parts are best designated as motor illusions. These are typically accompanied by the illusory involvement of muscular activity. The term kinaesthesia was introduced in 1880 by the British neurologist Henry Charlton Bastian (1837-1915). Bastian proposed the term to replace the older term ‘muscle sense’ because, as he maintained, not all the afferent information involving body movement stems from the muscles. The German psychiatrist August Cramer (1860-1912) has been credited with publishing the first clinical study on proprioceptive as well as kinaesthetic hallucinations in 1889. Although kinaesthetic hallucinations and motor illusions are seldom a prominent feature of psychosis, they can manifest in a multitude of ways. The Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939) provided an apt illustration of this when he wrote, “Illusions and hallucinations of the kinaesthetic senses or the vestibular organs are usually in the background of the clinical picture. Yet the patients may firmly believe that they are carrying out certain actions, whereas in reality they are lying still in bed or standing motionless against a wall. Obviously then these organs must be participating in the hallucinatory activity. In dreamlike states we note the patients making uncoordinated movements, almost like epileptics while they themselves believe that they are fighting for their lives or participating in some love-scene. Under certain conditions, they believe that they are being carried from one place to another: that they are being tossed in the air or stood on their heads. It may also happen that patients believe that one of their limbs is in motion, whereas objectively nothing is to be noted.” A special variant of the kinaesthetic hallucination is the space-motion hallucination. Another variant, which may occur in association with verbal auditory hallucinations, is the motor verbal hallucination (also known as subvocalization). The illusory sensation of flying is associated primarily with the use of hallucinogens such as mescaline, bufotenine, hyoscyamine, and possibly kava. Both kinaesthetic hallucinations and motor illusions can be classified as subclasses of the group of illusory movement experiences. As demonstrated in myriad experimental configurations, kinaesthetic hallucinations can be evoked within seconds when muscle vibration is used to generate proprioceptive misinformation about limb position. Some examples of the resulting phantom illusions are the illusory arm extension and the Pinocchio illusion. In parapsychology, kinaesthetic hallucinations are sometimes interpreted as signs of actual movement of the body or of an ‘ethereal’ component thereof. For example, the illusory feeling of rising upwards is considered a common failure of near-death experiences (ΝDEs).