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Το αγγλικό chant κάνει μπαμ ότι προέρχεται από τη γαλλική λέξη για το τραγούδι, αλλά η γαλλική είναι απατηλό φιλαράκι (ψευτοφίλη, faux ami). Το chant δεν είναι τραγούδι.

Να τι λέει το French Faux Amis: The Combined Book (Saul H. Rosenthal), σελ. 380:

In English, the single verb to chant can refer to two different kinds of activities. The first activity is chanting slogans (in a demonstration, for instance), and the other activity is chanting religious hymns (by Bhuddist monks for instance). They are not at all the same thing, although they are both called chanting in English.
In French, on the other hand, there are two verbs for these two different activities. Neither verb is chanter.
The word for chanting slogans is scander.
Les manifestants scandaient des slogans contre le gouvernement - The demonstrators were chanting slogans against the government.
The word for chanting religious hymns is psalmodier.
Le choeur psalmodiait dans l’église - The choir was chanting in the church.
Les voix des moines étaient fortes et belles quand ils psalmodiaient - The voices of the monks were strong and beautiful when they were chanting.
Les religieux psalmodiaient les prières des morts - The monks chanted the prayers for the dead.

Ας δούμε μερικές αποδόσεις για το αγγλικό chant. Πρότυπό μου το λήμμα του ODE:

chant /tʃɑːnt/

1 repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd: σύνθημα, ρυθμικά επαναλαμβανόμενη φράση (κραυγή, ιαχή)
• a group of young people set up a chant of ‘Why are we waiting?’
• The rhythmic chant spread through the crowd of hundreds of thousands that filled Kiev's Independence Square on the evening of November 22.
• Shouts and chants went up from the crowd as the lights drifted nearer.
• And then they are off again, singing and repeating the chant over and over.

2 A repetitive song, typically an incantation or part of a ritual: ψαλμωδία, ψαλμός· μονότονο άσμα
• he was whispering something, repeating it like a chant or a mantra
• An assembly of 90 monks conducted Buddhist ritual chants and prayers sanctifying the ceremony.
• Marshall also witnessed the Big Drum dance in Carriacou, a spiritual ritual that involves chants, fire, dancing and song.
• Since sickness is often seen as a problem of spiritual essence, the khwan, chants, and healing rituals are often used to cure illnesses.

2.1 [mass noun] The style of music consisting of chants: (εκκλησιαστικό) μέλος, εκκλησιαστικά άσματα
• Gregorian chant
• It's a style that characterises Byzantine chant, which emerged in the Eastern Church, and is continued in today's Greek Orthodox tradition.
• A noted musicologist whose interests include chant, medieval music and Tudor keyboard music, he has written many chamber and choral pieces.
• Symphony No 3 is a more expansive, more fully developed piece which emerged from a protracted period of study of chant and early polyphony.

[with object]
1 Say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone: επαναλαμβάνω ρυθμικά, φωνάζω / κραυγάζω (συνθήματα)
• protesters were chanting slogans
• [no object]: everyone was singing and chanting
• Republican slogans were chanted and around 20 protesters attempted to hold a sit-down protest in the middle of the street.
• At recess, the teacher found a group of her girls chanting that slogan on the playground.
• They really are better at wearing the ribbons and badges, chanting the slogans and marching on the demonstrations.

2 Sing or intone (a psalm, canticle, or sacred text): ψάλλω, ψέλνω
• priests and choir chant the story of the resurrection
• If the death is a long prolonged death, then we like to chant certain texts, so that the dying person hears the name of God recited constantly.
• Nevertheless, it is customary for newlyweds to attend the local monastery later for a blessing and a simple ceremony in which texts are chanted.
• They sing devotional songs in praise of the lord, and holy texts are chanted throughout the night.