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challenging = δύσκολος (αλλά ενδιαφέρων), απαιτητικός | προκλητικός


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Όχι πάντα σκέτο «δύσκολος». Πού και πού ίσως κάνουν κάποια όπως «απαιτητικός». Το «προκλητικός» σε άλλες περιπτώσεις. Ας προβληματιστούμε με το ωραίο λήμμα του ODE:

challenging /ˈtʃalɪn(d)ʒɪŋ/ adjective
testing one's abilities; demanding: challenging and rewarding employment | the current challenging economic environment
inviting competition; provocative: there was a challenging glint in his eyes

Word trends
A fear of offending people has led to the replacement of many negative expressions with more positive alternatives, with the adjective challenging being a prime example. The Oxford English Corpus shows that it is used euphemistically for difficult or trying and applied to unpleasant situations (a challenging period of slowing growth and rising unemployment), troublesome individuals (it‘s surprising how common it is for parents to encounter challenging behaviour with their teenagers), and even avant-garde music (the opera’s challenging atonal score).

Πού είναι όμως το τόσο απλό και σαφές του Macmillan;
challenging difficult to deal with or achieve, but interesting and enjoyable: a challenging and rewarding job