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register (linguistics) = επίπεδο ύφους

Δεν είναι το ίδιο με το ύφος; Γλωσσικό ύφος/ ύφος της έκφρασης;

In linguistics, the register is defined as the way a speaker uses language differently in different circumstances. Think about the words you choose, your tone of voice, even your body language. You probably behave very differently chatting with a friend than you would at a formal dinner party or during a job interview. These variations in formality, also called stylistic variation, are known as registers in linguistics. They are determined by such factors as social occasion, context, purpose, and audience.

Καλησπέρα σε όλους.


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Μια αναζήτηση εδώ μέσα θα δείξει ότι συχνότατα το αποδίδουμε «ρέτζιστερ», μάλλον επειδή μας φαίνεται λίγο το «επίπεδο ύφους». Ο Μπαμπινιώτης θα μας κατακεραύνωνε!