Ορισμός στη Βίκι: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_wall
Η ΙΑΤΕ λέει «τοίχος με απομονωτική ικανότητα». Ο παραπάνω ορισμός όμως κάτι σε «διαχωριστικό τοίχο» μου κάνει. Ξέρετε εσείς αν λέγεται και κάπως αλλιώς;Party wall (or parti-wall) is a dividing partition between two adjoining buildings (or units) that is shared by the tenants of each residence or business. The wall is sometimes constructed over the center of the property line dividing two terraced flats or row houses so that one half of the wall is on each property.