καμάκι = pickup artist


Staff member
Το καμάκι, εκτός από εργαλείο της ψαρικής, είναι επίσης το ψηστήρι και, κατ' επέκταση, ένας από τους ερωτιδείς που έχουμε συνδέσει εδώ περισσότερο με το κυνήγι τουριστριών.

Καταθέτω το σχετικό λήμμα του Κοραή, αλλά θα ήθελα να προσθέσω και το pickup artist, με την περιγραφή της Wikipedia.

καμάκι 1 harpoon, fish-spear.
2 (λαϊκ) = Lothario, Casanova, Don Juan, male flirt, philanderer, womanizer. Τα καμάκια παρενοχλούν τουρίστριες στις παραλίες. = Male flirts harass tourists on the beaches.
3 (ως φρ) (λαϊκ) = to flirt. Ο νεαρός κάνει καμάκι σε μια ξανθιά. = The young man is flirting with a blonde girl.

pickup artist
Pickup artist describes a man who is considered to be skilled, or who tries to be skilled at meeting, attracting, and seducing women.
The use of pickup in this context, slang for making a casual acquaintance with a stranger in anticipation of sexual relations, dates from at least 1970 and the book How to Pick Up Girls by Eric Weber. The phrase was also popularized by Pick-Up Times, a short-lived 1970s magazine and the 1987 semi-autobiographical film, The Pick-up Artist, written and directed by James Toback.
The term pickup artist is also associated with the seduction community, a heterosexual male subculture based on the goal of improved sexual and romantic abilities with women. Pickup artists develop pickup lines similar to, yet more complex than the stereotypical pick-up line. Routines and gambits are developed to stimulate attraction switches often combined with techniques derived from neuro-linguistic programming. Spontaneous PUAs or Spontaneous Gamers use both self-help and an understanding of social psychology to achieve this. They aim to improve their seductive capabilities through the development of different lifestyles. The culture surrounding pickup has spawned an entire industry servicing those who want to improve their social and seduction skills with consultations and in-field training. What makes this industry different is that people learn skill sets to meet the women they want, instead of being set up by matchmakers.

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