Και από το λουκουμά βγάζουμε ξίγκι


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Χθες πέτυχα στο σούπερ τη Μερέντα Υγείας, οπότε είπα να την δοκιμάσω. Κτγμ, τώρα, δεν προσφέρει την ίδια ευκολία για κουταλάτη κατανάλωση (από κάποιον που με την κλασική Μερέντα των 400 γρ. βγάζει τρεις καμπάνιες), αλλά μου προέκυψε πολύ βολική σε συνδυασμό με κέικ (που φέρνει το γλυκό στοιχείο στην εξίσωση) ή αλειμμένη πάνω από βούτυρο ή μαλακιά μαργαρίνη. Κανείς άλλος που να την χρησιμοποιεί;


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Ο απίστευτος λιγούρης βάζει και Ferrero Rocher για γαρνιτούρα. Δικός μας είναι!


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Μόινκ, μόινκ, μόινκ!!! :D (Έχει κι άλλες τέτοιες υπέροχες συνταγές ο ίδιος, δείτε λινκ στο τέλος του βίντεο.)


Mod Almighty
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Το παρόν νήμα παρακαλείται να περάσει αμελλητί από το Υπουργείο Οικονομικών δι' υπόθεσίν του.
Η υπουργός σας.​

Φαντάζομαι τον Ζαζ στο αντάρτικο για τον λουκουμά-με-το-ξίγκι ρε γαμώτο!
Υ.Γ. Ταραχοποιά στοιχεία θα συλλαμβάνονται και θα υποχρεώνονται να τρώνε καρότα και μαρουλάκι ωμό για μία εβδομάδα. Ευχαριστούμε.


Κυρία κυρία, συντρόφισσα, τα καρότα θα είναι απο αμυγδαλόψυχα;


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Bacon Fat (1956) - Andre Williams

Rocks Off: How did it come to be called "Bacon Fat"?

We were driving down there and I was eating a sandwich, and it was a bacon sandwich. There were some people in the cotton fields picking cotton, and I stopped there and thought of the song "Bacon Fat." You know, I'm eating a sandwich, and I'm down there with these people who were picking cotton. And it just came to me. At that time it was hard to get a song played if any words were risque; they wouldn't put the song in the playlist. So you had to be very careful in your lyrics. At that time the dance craze was popular. There were all kinds of dances out there - the Watusi, all them different dances. So I just thought maybe I'll make one of the dances the Bacon Fat.

~ Andre Williams

Bacon Fat Dance (1965) - Sir Douglas Quintet



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New Seaweed Tastes Just Like Bacon When Fried

An algae that tastes like bacon, has high nutritional value AND is a source of protein? Sounds like the stuff of science fiction but it’s real – it’s dulse.

Professor Chuck Toombs has been working with scientists at Oregon State University (OSU) to engineer and harvest a unique variety of dulse that, when fried, tastes just like the fatty, delicious meat but with greater health benefits.

"Dulse is a super food, with twice the nutritional value of kale," Toombs said in a statement. "And OSU has developed a variety that can be farmed, with the potential for a new industry on the Oregon coast."

Like most “new” health foods you’ve never heard of before, dulse has been produced and consumed in Iceland for centuries. Furthermore, it is well-known as a natural source rich in fiber and loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Dulse can be found along the Pacific and Atlantic coast, and it’s already available in health food supermarkets in dried form but at a hefty price. However, researcher Chris Langdon of OSU says that given the right conditions and resources, he could grow this particular strain of bacon-flavored seaweed at a rate of 45 kilograms (100 pounds) per week in his laboratory.
Students and researchers at the university’s center for food innovation are already creating delicious recipes with dulse. Veggie burgers, salad dressing, and even beer could all get the dulse treatment if the university’s plans to market the product to U.S. consumers ever comes to fruition.
But something tells me, if dulse truly does taste like bacon, their work is already done.


Όταν θα φτιάξουν φύκι που θα έχει γέυση και υφή τούρτας αμυγδάλου...


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40 Ways The World Makes Awesome Hot Dogs
Check out our Ultimate Hot Dog Style Guide

It’s not just a sausage in a bun; it’s a beautiful blank canvas. It’s a hot dog, which is a foodstuff eaten worldwide. Here are 40 distinctive varieties from around the globe — from iconic NYC “dirty water dogs” to fully loaded South American street-cart dogs to Japanese octo-dogs. There is a tubesteak out there for every craving that ever was.

Jess Kapadia, illustrations by Mike Houston


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Κοίτα να δεις προβλήματα που έχουν οι αγγλόφωνοι. Έπεσαν από τα σύννεφα επειδή νόμιζαν ότι η Nutella προφέρεται "Νατέλα". Αλλά και η ιταλική εταιρεία, κάπως χαζά το χειρίστηκε. Τους είπε ότι προφέρεται "Νιουτέλα". Πείτε τους, βρε άνθρωποι, ότι στα ιταλικά προφέρεται "Νουτέλα".

Have you been saying it wrong? Buyers incorrectly pronounce Nutella... as the brand reveals it DOESN'T start with 'Nut'


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