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Addressing a monk or a nun and…


When you are addressing a monk you would say “γέροντα” right? When addressing a nun would you say “αδελφή” - right?

And in Greece is there no distinction between a monastery and a convent? Anotherwords are they both called “μοναστίρια”?

Thank you.
Όντως, μοναστήρια λέγονται και τα δύο, ανδρικά ή γυναικεία. Η ίδια η Εκκλησία μπορεί να κάνει λόγο για ανδρώα μονή ή γυναικεία μονή.

(Για τις προσφωνήσεις δεν γνωρίζω.)


When you are addressing a monk you would say “γέροντα” right? When addressing a nun would you say “αδελφή” - right?
Monks can be addressed as either "γέροντα" or "πάτερ".
A nun, is usually addressed - as you mention - as "αδελφή".
Wait for some confirmation or further information though, as I'm not an expert on these matters.
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Perhaps I should have mentioned that monks or nuns of a significantly higher ranking wouldn't normally be addressed as "πάτερ" or "αδελφή" but rather as " γέροντα" and "γερόντισσα" respectively.
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Staff member
Γερόντισσα είναι η ηγουμένη μόνο, όχι απλώς μια senior nun. Επίσης νομίζω πως για να είναι κανείς πατήρ/πάτερ πρέπει να είναι ιερομόναχος, όχι απλώς καλόγερος. Επίσης νομίζω δεν υπάρχει προσφώνηση για όσ@ς δεν έχουν καρεί ακόμη.


Επίσης νομίζω πως για να είναι κανείς πατήρ/πάτερ πρέπει να είναι ιερομόναχος, όχι απλώς καλόγερος
Πάντως, η προσωπική μου εμπειρία είναι ότι και τους απλούς μοναχούς τους προσφωνούμε "πάτερ".


Well-known member
If a nun is addressed as αδελφή, why wouldn't a monk be addressed as "αδελφός" (ο απλως καλόγερος, τουλάχιστον)?


Simply as a side note, pontios, it is common for Orthodox monks to address each other as "αδελφέ".
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Well-known member
If we're going to be flippant ...
Ομοπατριοι αδελφοί - monks
Ομομητριες αδελφές - nuns

(and may the two not co"habit"ate)
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Well-known member
This topic reminded me of an old riddle:

"There are 3909 nuns and 3 had twins ... who was responsible?"

As you're posing it to a friend, you're simultaneously writing down ... 3909 3HT
(the HT is short for Had Twins).

The answer becomes obvious once you show them the reverse side of the paper, and they see the answer.


Πάντως, η προσωπική μου εμπειρία είναι ότι και τους απλούς μοναχούς τους προσφωνούμε "πάτερ".
Είπα να το ψάξω λίγο και βρήκα τις ακόλουθες αναφορές:

Eastern Orthodox monks are addressed as "father" even if they are not priests; but when conversing among themselves, monks will often address one another as "Brother". Novices are always referred to as "Brother". Among the Greeks, old monks are often called Gheronda, or "Elder", out of respect for their dedication.

"Πάτερ" αποκαλούμε όλους τους ιερείς και τους μοναχούς, ενώ τις μοναχές "αδελφή".